Quick view Details Ellen McCarn | sku: SMKDIPR Smocked Diaper Set & Day Shirt by Ellen McCarn MSRP: Was: Now: $45.16 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Primrose Lane | sku: DANPL Daniel Infant romper by Primrose Lane MSRP: Was: Now: $81.86 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Meco Modes | sku: FBRMM Frannie's Bubble & Romper by Meco Modes MSRP: Was: Now: $93.15 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Children's Corner | sku: AlexCC Alex Romper, pinafore and shirt pattern by Children's Corner MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Children's Corner | sku: JCCS Johnny pattern by Children's Corner Store MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details sku: Romper324lge Smocked romper pattern 324 by Maggie's Classics size 18 mth-3yrs MSRP: Was: Now: $70.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Children's Corner | sku: BFBIIICC Basics for Boys III pattern by Children's Corner MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Maggies Classics | sku: 311 MCR Smocked Button on Romper Pattern 311 by Maggie's Classics MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details Chery Williams | sku: Button on Suits CHW Button on Suits Smocking Pattern by Chery Williams MSRP: Was: Now: $95.86 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Maggies Classics | sku: Romper 324 MCCsml Smocked Romper Pattern 324 by Maggie's Classics MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Maggies Classics Boy's Smocked Button on Romper Pattern by Maggie's Classics MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details Children's Corner | sku: Jamie ChildC Jamie Smocking Pattern by Children's Corner MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Ellen McCarn | sku: SMKDIPR Smocked Diaper Set & Day Shirt by Ellen McCarn Smocked Diaper Set & Day Dress or Day Shirt Multi sized 6 and 12 months Smocked Front and back 3 Smocking designs - Heart Shape rattle, Puppy & Blue Bird MSRP: Was: Now: $45.16 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Primrose Lane | sku: DANPL Daniel Infant romper by Primrose Lane Daniel - Infant romper Not just for boy's. This is a versatile romper with a front insert Peter Pan collar Short puffed sleeves for girls or straight for boys Lovely piping detail Sizes Newborn, 3-6 months, 9-12 months and 18 months MSRP: Was: Now: $81.86 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Meco Modes | sku: FBRMM Frannie's Bubble & Romper by Meco Modes Bubble and Romper pattern by Lyn Weeks & Kathy Barac of Meco Modes Sizes 3,6,12,18,& 24 months Smocked front, gathered back Two collar variations Piped neckline Elastic leg casing on both romper and bubble MSRP: Was: Now: $93.15 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Children's Corner | sku: AlexCC Alex Romper, pinafore and shirt pattern by Children's Corner Alex - multi outfit pattern Choose from Fully lined romper, Jumper (dungarees), pinafore and shirt Suitable for boys and girls Sizes 3 months - 6 years This is the shirt pattern used with a smocked ruffle collar on the Suzie Skirt... MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Children's Corner | sku: JCCS Johnny pattern by Children's Corner Store Johnny by Children's Corner Store Dungarees and shirt Smocked or un-smocked dungaree Short or long length pants Shirt with straight or puffed sleeves included Sizes 3 month - 12 month and 18 month - 4 years MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Choose Options Compare
Quick view sku: Romper324lge Smocked romper pattern 324 by Maggie's Classics size 18 mth-3yrs Romper with Smocking from Shoulder to Waist Size 18 month 2 & 3 years This is a lovely pattern and also has a few rows of smocking on the back and a tie sash for when making for a girl Lace and ribbon can be added for that cute little girl... MSRP: Was: Now: $70.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Children's Corner | sku: BFBIIICC Basics for Boys III pattern by Children's Corner Basics for Boys III shirt and shorts pattern Includes four shirt designs and two shorts Sizes 3 month - 3 years Smocking design included Dots not included Order dots separately Size G, Blue narrow for light fabrics or yellow H for dark... MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Maggies Classics | sku: 311 MCR Smocked Button on Romper Pattern 311 by Maggie's Classics Romper with Smocking across the front and buttoned back Size 2 and 3 years This pattern has a few rows of smocking on the front suitable for geometric or picture smocking These are pretty basic patterns but everything you need is included, experience... MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Chery Williams | sku: Button on Suits CHW Button on Suits Smocking Pattern by Chery Williams Button on Suits Smocking pattern for boys and Girls by Chery Williams This lovely pattern has 4 different smocked shirt styles and 5 styles of pants Variations include smocked panels, ideal for picture smocking, lace collars, short or long... MSRP: Was: Now: $95.86 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Maggies Classics | sku: Romper 324 MCCsml Smocked Romper Pattern 324 by Maggie's Classics Romper with Smocking from Shoulder to Waist Size 6, 9 month and 1 year This is a lovely pattern and also has a few rows of smocking on the back and a tie sash for when making for a girl Lace and ribbon can be added for that cute little girl... MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Maggies Classics Boy's Smocked Button on Romper Pattern by Maggie's Classics Boy's Smocked Button Fronted Shirt and Pants Size 6 and 12 month or 2 and 3 years Smocked Button Fronted Shirts are so hard to find These are pretty basic patterns but everything you need is included, some experience recommended Please note Maggie's... MSRP: Was: Now: $70.57 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Children's Corner | sku: Jamie ChildC Jamie Smocking Pattern by Children's Corner The Jamie baby bubble is a classic look and great value with six variations in this pack Two smocked bishops with set in sleeves Two easier styles Un-smocked views and the Pattern is suitable for both Boy's and Girl's Sized 3, 6, 12 18 and 24... MSRP: Was: Now: $84.68 Add to Cart Compare